Eight weeks to Mastery
Join the journey towards financial freedom
An intensive course with coaching in value investing
Bliv klar til at investere i 2020
“Få ro og overblik, hvor der måske før har været kaos”
Dette er dit crash-kursus i alt, hvad der har med din privatøkonomi at gøre.
Dette kursus henvender sig til dig, der endnu ikke har investeret, og som måske har rod i din privatøkonomi. Måske har du på nuværende tidspunkt ikke så mange penge at investere. Men du vil gerne.
Du vil
▸ få styr på dit forbrug
▸ få kvalt din gæld
▸ få lagt en plan
▸ få betalt dig selv først
▸ få penge til at arbejde for dig
▸ få øget din indkomst
▸ få afklaring med, hvordan du vil investere

Bliv fri med passive investeringer
“Her ligger du fundamentet for din fremtidige velstand på den nemmeste og mest tidseffektive måde.”
Dette kursus lærer dig alt, du har brug for, for at komme i gang med at investere i de såkaldte passive investeringer, som kræver et minimum af din tid og opmærksomhed.
Her investerer du i fonde, som spreder din investeringer over mange virksomheder. Du lærer både om de såkaldte “ETF’ere” og om mere traditionelle danske investeringsfonde.
Du lærer her alt, hvad ud har brug for for at komme godt i gang.
Du lærer bl.a.
▸ Hvordan du kan undersøge fondene
▸ Adgang til databaser med indsigt i fondene
▸ Hvad du skal kigge efter og hvordan du ser, at fonden er billig og klarer sig godt
▸ Hvordan du investerer miljørigtigt
▸ En strategi til at få sat investeringerne i system
▸ Hvordan du holder styr på dine investeringer over tid
▸ Hvordan du får et højere afkast end markedet med fonde
Eight weeks to mastery
“In eight weeks you will learn to analyse, calculate and invest like a real value investor”
This is your express train to financial freedom. As this method provides higher returns, you will reach your goals earlier.
During this eight week intensive course, you will have direct access to Beile Grünbaum. You can raise any questions and doubts that you have, and work through your investment analyses and calculations with her.
You will also gain insights into which companies Beile is investing in.
But even better: you will be pushed to find your own favorite investments, you will create your own wish list of wonderful companies and you will know what their real value is and have target prices you will have calculated and truly understand.
Eight weeks to mastery is suitable for beginners, and seasoned investors looking for a deeper understanding of value investing methodology.
Here are some of the key topics that you will learn:
▸ To get a consistently good return on your investments
▸ How you can get an income without selling your shares
▸ How to read the development of the market
▸ How to develop and use an efficient checklist before you make an investment
▸ How to spot any warning signals
▸ To feel secure even even when the market is plummeting
If you would like more information, book a free consultation with Beile below:

“When I began on Beile’s online course, I was a newbie in investing. Now I feel that I can invest with a peace of mind, and in a way that I can vouch for.”
Simon Ibdal
“I have learned several useful methods for calculating the value of a firm. We also touched upon many other subjects such as analyses, technical analyses, options and what to avoid. This course became the starting signal for my journey as a value investor.”
Lan Phuong Le
“I lost a lot of money during the financial crisis, because I sold in panic. With Beile I learned to analyse firms and calculate their worth and that give me guts back to invest in stocks again.”