Five Steps to Avoid FOMO – Fear of Missing Out

Five Steps to Avoid FOMO – Fear of Missing Out

I have a confession to make.

I suffer from FOMO.

FOMO is a curse that keeps me from enjoying my life and sometimes makes me miserable. 

FOMO stands for “fear of missing out.” It can affect you financially, or it can show up as a feeling of missing out on something fun or important in life.

Financially, it hits you when you’re afraid of missing out on a good investment or already feel like you’ve missed out on it. It makes you envious of other people’s good financial fortune. FOMO makes people invest in completely foolish things that they later lose money on.

In life, it affects you as a feeling that others are having more fun or more important experiences or relationships than you.

I don’t suffer from financial FOMO because I’m pretty good at seeing through bullshit when it comes to investments.

I’m not afraid of missing out on the latest hype because I have a checklist and a system that allows me to know exactly what I want to invest in.

But when it comes to life, I’m always afraid of missing out on something.

FOMO Got Worse With Parenthood

I probably always had it, but it got a lot worse after I became a mother and didn’t have the time to attend all the parties, festivals, and conferences the way I used to.

As a mother, it’s really important to be able to find peace in spending a Saturday evening watching “Alvin and the Chipmunks” or memorizing dinosaurs… even if half of Lisbon is partying on the beach or half of Copenhagen is at the street party Distortion.

My FOMO can be so bad that it almost tingles in my body unless I consciously take precautions to control it.

It’s something I struggle with and I’m aware of.

In this blog post, I will give you the best tips to combat FOMO both financially and personally.

1. Guard the Gate to Your Mind

The famous value investor Guy Spier says he doesn’t allow anyone to pitch investment ideas to him. If someone wants to “sell” a stock to him, he politely rejects them at the gate to his mind.

Such sales pitches can take many forms. They can be a so-called stock analyst’s report, an interview in a business newspaper or a podcast.

The same thing happens in life.

It happens on social media, where individuals try to sell you their “cool” lifestyle or companies try to sell you their product.

I don’t believe in the idea of deleting social media and going completely offline. That’s not the solution. It’s a bit like deciding that children should NEVER eat sugar and let them stand around with long faces at all birthday parties.

It’s about moderating, not forbidding.

The solution is to be conscious and notice how you react when you see different types of content.

For example, I can’t follow my old coworking space on Instagram because they always show beautiful pictures of parties that I’m not attending. It’s a business and they’re trying to sell more memberships, and the whole purpose of their posts is to entice you.

If someone makes you feel uncomfortable, simply stop following them or silence their content (you don’t really have to block anyone). Follow those who provide good input. There are also plenty of smart, honest, and interesting people on various social media platforms. For example, I love following a lot of value investors on social media. It gives me quality input. 

2. Prioritize and Focus

In the investment area, I know that I only need to invest in 10-12 wonderful companies, and I know exactly what criteria the company has to meet before I even consider it (you can read more about this in my e-book here).

This allows me to quickly filter out a lot of investment ideas – and once they are rejected, I no longer think about them. I stop “following” them.

You can do the same in life.

What and who is your top priority?

For me, my top priority is my family, close friends, and the work of spreading financial independence through the foundation and the blog.

It’s actually paradoxical…I can have FOMO about the different trendy parties in Lisbon, but when I’m at a party, it often feels superficial and irrelevant.

I am happiest when I nurture my quality relationships. Dinners with my best friends can give me a feeling of bliss and happiness.

Quality friendships are those where we have such great conversations that it’s like reading a really good book. It’s the conversations you wish wouldn’t end until the early morning, if possible (which is rarely the case due to children). It’s also the friends you end up laughing with until your stomach hurts.

There aren’t many relationships like that, and if I have to choose between a trendy party or a dinner with a really good friend, I will always choose quality over pizzazz.

3. Find Places of Peace

Warren Buffett lives in Omaha, Nebraska.

I’ve been there, and believe me, it’s so quiet that you hardly need to pause before crossing a main road, even during rush hour.

Most Wall Street types live in a crowded Wall Street environment like New York, London, or Frankfurt.

Buffett has said that he prefers to live in his hometown because, besides being close to family and friends, the peaceful atmosphere makes it easier for him to focus on what is important (investing). 

The same applies in life.

If you live in an area with cafes, parties, and restaurants nearby, it can be difficult to find peace of mind.

I’ve tried living on a busy pedestrian street. In the spring, I could always see people drinking rosé wine and hear them laughing and enjoying life. It made it hard for me to focus on work. 

Today, I live in a village outside Cascais, Portugal, where I mostly hear birds chirping and children laughing – and it helps me find peace.

4. Embrace the Present Moment

Last night, I had a dream about my ex-boyfriend. In the dream, I tried to help him with a task, but he didn’t want my assistance and gently pushed me away.

I have asked my dreams for help in resolving the emotional knot that I still struggle with in the relationship. I still miss him and would rather be where he is.

As we all know, there’s nothing quite like exes that can evoke a sense of FOMO. The sun always seems to shine wherever they walk.

A voice in the dream said to me:

“Find something that truly interests you and immerse yourself in it.”

We always hear about being mindful – and that is solid advice. We should all be more mindful. 

But how? I’ve tried eating a strawberry very slowly – one minute per strawberry – but I lose patience and become irritated.

Of course, you can also meditate, but I don’t always manage to do it. Yoga is also wonderful. Yet, I can practice yoga and still feel FOMO in the act.

Being able to immerse yourself in something you truly enjoy is the best way to be in the present moment.

For me, that area is, of course, stocks and investing.

It’s also tennis lessons, good movies, good books and learning to play the piano.

With my children, I love hikes or bike rides in nature. 

The trick is to give yourself permission to do something wholeheartedly while it lasts: to pause and observe the rush-hour traffic of ants that your child shows you.

And truly SEE what the ants are doing and figure out where they’re going.

5. Cultivate Appreciation and Gratitude

Every evening, before you go to sleep, you should end the day by writing down 3 things you are grateful for. It’s best if they are specific things that happened during the day.

Writing “good health” is something you can write every day, but it’s not specific – and perhaps it’s the easy way out because you’re too lazy to pay attention during the day?

What’s on my list? It’s extremely specific things.

For instance:

“Samuel’s joy over his wobbly tooth.”

“The sensation of shock in my body when I jumped into the pool today.”

“When we went for a walk and found a strange tent and heard a goat bleating.”

What are three things you are grateful for today? Perhaps this blog post can be one of them? Let me know if it has helped you.

And remember to download the e-book that can help you focus on what’s important in investing.You can download the book here.


Here Is My Secret Recipe for the Good Life

Here Is My Secret Recipe for the Good Life

In 2021, I faced some major decisions. 

I had to decide whether I wanted to open my own investment fund and whether I wanted to move to Portugal. 

To make sure I was making the right choices, I hired a coach to create a blueprint of myself and my life. 

This was something I had heard about from value investors Guy Spier and Mohnish Pabrai. 

The two famous value investors once had such a mapping of their lives, complete with an instruction guide. 

 It changed their lives.

 I was particularly taken by Mohnish Pabrai’s case. 

A Tailored Instruction Manual for a Good Life

The consultant who created the report told Mohnish Pabrai that he didn’t understand how he got up in the morning and went to work (he was an IT entrepreneur). 

The work of running a business was such a poor fit for his personality that the consultant suggested Pabrai sell his company and instead open a value investment fund. 

That story fascinated me.

Mohnish Pabrai wouldn’t be a famous value investor at all if it hadn’t been for his meeting with this coach. 

Imagine having a document that can give you guidance for making major life decisions. In fact, it’s a kind of shortcut to a good life. 

I wanted that document and coaching too. I found out who made the blueprint. 

His name is Jack Skeen, and if you ask nicely, I’d be happy to put you in touch with him. 

You can also reach out to him directly here, but please tell him that you heard about him from me. 

His process is quite special. He conducts two personality tests on you and interviews about 7-8 people who know you well. The personality test is not entirely normal. In fact, he tests you for personality disorders because he believes it can also help identify your strengths and weaknesses. 

What was the result of my test? 

I Got a “Yes” for Managing Other People’s Money

It’s a very comprehensive report, and I won’t reveal the details about my personality. But I can tell you that I got the green light to move to Portugal and open my fund, Grünbaum Value Invest (raised funds in 2022 and started investing in January 2023). 

Today, I know what my strengths and weaknesses are – and that is a great advantage. It means I can plan my life in a way that better compensates for my weaknesses (e.g., by hiring others to do certain things) while amplifying my strengths. 

 Many of the things I learned are specific to me and may not be super exciting for you to read, but there is also some general life advice that most people would benefit from following. I’ll share those with you here. 

 In this blog post, I’ll focus on the 5 most important things I learned from working with Jack Skeen that you can also benefit from in your life, so you can create a good life for yourself.

Let’s take a look… 

1. Live Life Trusting That Life Cooperates With You

Jack explained that you can live life in three ways:

A. “Life happens to me”

The first is living as a victim, where you believe that life happens to you. At this level, you don’t believe that you can create, and you don’t feel like you have much control. You live passively and wait for things to happened to you. 

B. “Life happens by me”

The next level is when you believe that you create life. Here, you believe that you have to create everything yourself, and things only happen if you “fight” for them. You see everything as a problem that you have to solve. You are often “in battle.”

C. “Life happens for me”

The third way is when you believe that life happens through you or for you. Here, you trust that there is a purpose to what happens and that you simply need to have faith in life for the good things to come to you. 

“It’s a good way to live when you experience life happening through you. Life creates new opportunities that may not necessarily require great effort from your side. Be curious and open. Keep an eye out for the possibility and add as little as necessary to participate in it,” says Jack Skeen. 

I have probably approached life with the second attitude. I’ve seen myself as the creator who had to fight for everything to happen. From creating my career to having children with fertility treatment, moving countries and even my approach to dating. 

It’s comforting to think that I can relax a bit and trust in life.

2. Keep Your Focus on the Mission

For me, my mission is to help you and others become financially independent. I do that through the blog, courses, and the Grünbaum Value Invest foundation. 

Jack Skeen reminded me again and again to keep my focus on my mission and my two children. He reminded me to avoid getting distracted by trivial matters in life. 

It may sound obvious, but I can tell you it’s easier said than done when life throws all sorts of things at you, and perhaps on the same day – you have a feverish child, a broken refrigerator, and a neighbor threatening to poison your cat. 

Every time I get frustrated with life’s normal ups and downs, I hear a voice saying, “You don’t have time to get bogged down by trivial stuff. You’re on a mission.” 

It gets me back on track every time. 

Your mission is different from mine, but you also have something that is important to you. Whether it’s revolutionizing the way we design houses, simplifying business regulations, or raising children (or maybe a combination of professional and family matters), the same applies to you – keep focus on what’s important, on your mission. 

Drop the everyday drama. You have a responsibility.

3. Conduct Research Before Making Decisions

Sometimes, I make decisions quickly – sometimes too quickly. I’m super efficient and a quick thinker. But I have to slow down in order to make really sound choices. 

Jack has taught me to approach making big life decisions the same way I do when investing in stocks (I’m pretty good with my checklist and analysis, and this is an approach I can spread to other areas in life). 

I need to slow down and do my research before jumping into anything. 

Let me give you an example: not long ago, I fell in love with a house on the coast of Portugal. It had an amazing view of the sea.

There was another bidder, and the message from the real estate agent was not to hesitate because the house would go to the other party. 

I brushed that off, and I took my time (after talking to Jack, actually):

      I visited the house several times. 

      I walked around the area and talked to people. 

      I had an architect and a building expert evaluate the house before placing a binding bid. 

I gathered so much knowledge that I decided to withdraw my bid and let the other interested buyer go ahead with the deal. 

The view from the house was stunning, but the house needed extensive renovations to become a really good place to live. It would require too much time and effort from me. (Here we are back to keeping your focus on the mission.)

4. Be Selective With Who You Let Into Your Life

I am very outgoing, and I easily make new friends. 

Sometimes I have hired or associated myself with the wrong people, and it has created problems for me in the past.


It could be hiring a cleaner that has a lovely personality but doesn’t really know how to clean. Or a nanny who the kids love, but who doesn’t show up for appointments. Or dating someone who turns out not to be willing to commit to a relationship. 

 It’s also about conducting research, but researching people is a whole different process than stocks or property.

With people, it’s important to allow time and experience to inform you about the person in front of you.

Jack has reminded me that I should find people who understand and appreciate the specific mission I am on: 

“Proceed slowly, be discerning, let things grow. Find people who understand and love you and your mission.”

5. Refuse to Dwell on What Others Think of You

Most people are primarily focused on living an easy and comfortable life, but if you have a true mission, it’s not always easy. 

If you have a great idea and a destiny, it can be challenging. 

People won’t always understand you if they don’t have a mission themselves. Jack Skeen calls these people who are motivated by comfort and who have no mission in life for “vanilla ice cream people”.  

It’s about refusing to think about what other people think of you – especially the vanilla ice cream people. 

They won’t always understand you and your mission, and that’s just too bad.

His point is that you undermine your own sense of purpose if you start caring about what others think and do. 

Instead of caring about other people’s opinion, try to be in love with yourself and your mission. It elevates you to a different level. 

If you want to read more about my mission and how I can help you, you can check out my e-book “Free Yourself”. You can download the book here.


Buffett’s 7 Most Important Life Hacks from the “Woodstock of Capitalism”

Buffett’s 7 Most Important Life Hacks from the “Woodstock of Capitalism”

Who doesn’t want the best life hacks from an old, happy multi-billionaire?

Every year, thousands of people go to Omaha to attend the Woodstock of Capitalism.

That’s the nickname for the general meeting of Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffett’s company.

Usually, general meetings are quite boring affairs, but not in Omaha.

Around 40,000 people attended in 2023 (according to CNBC) to hear Warren Buffett speak.

“This is a party,” he said last year.

Some gather to hear him talk about stocks and investments.

Others gather to ask him questions about living a good and long life, choosing a career, or even choosing a wife.

The Woodstock of Capitalism Is a True Source of Wisdom

I don’t know about you, but I really appreciate these general words of wisdom from Buffett and his longtime friend and partner Charlie Munger.

Last year, they said the second part of your life could be a lot better than the first – if you learn from your mistakes.

I took that to heart and decided to catapult myself into the second half of my life. When I returned from Omaha, I opened my first fund and started dating again. Taking action changed my life quite radically.

Buffett and Munger’s words of encouragement gave me the energy and courage to try new things – thinking the best is yet to come.

In this blog post, I will give you the top life hacks that came out of the Berkshire Hathaway meeting for 2023. Ready? Here we go…

1. Write Your Ideal Obituary and Live It

You should write your own obituary (as you’d like it to be) and reverse engineer it.

What do you want to be remembered for? How do you want to be remembered by your loved ones? What should your life’s work be? Who do you want to be?

Then you need to figure out how to achieve it and decide to live that way.

2. Be Kind

It is important to be kind to everyone.

“I’ve never known anybody that was basically kind that died without friends. And I’ve known plenty of people with money that have died without friends,” Buffett said at the meeting.

Kindness also includes avoiding personal criticism. “Who do you like that criticizes you all the time?” he asked.

3. You Can Always Make Drama Tomorrow

“You can always tell someone to go to hell tomorrow,” Warren Buffett said.

It’s one of the mottos he lives by.

As he explained:

“You can screw up your life forever by telling someone to go to hell or something else in 30 seconds, and you can’t erase it… [but] you haven’t lost the option.”

It requires impulse control, of course, but if you remind yourself that you can always do it the next day, it will probably help.

4. Spend Less Money Than You Earn – And Avoid Debt

You should spend less money than you earn (and, of course, invest the difference). If you do the opposite, it’s a downward slope to debt.

“You can spend a little bit more than you earn, and then you’ve got debt, and the chances are you’ll never get out of debt,” Buffett said.

His advice is to avoid all debt – except a mortgage. He particularly warns against credit card debt and consumer debt.

“Why get behind the game? And if you’re effectively paying 12% or 14% or whatever percent you’re paying on a credit card… if you can to that, come to Berkshire Hathaway,” he said and laughed.

5. Invest Wisely

You should invest shrewdly. Or as a minimum – don’t screw things up for yourself.

“You just want to make sure you don’t make any mistakes that take you out of the game. You should never have a night when you’re worried about investing,” Buffett said.

Maybe you’ve been kept up at night uneasy when the stock market crashes? How do you avoid that?

Quite simply, by properly understanding what you’re investing in. You can learn how to do that by reading my e-book here.

6. Learn Something Every Day

You should spend time learning something new every single day.

Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger spend 80% of their time reading. Munger is said to read about 500 pages a day and Warren Buffett up to 1,000 pages. If you think about it, that’s quite impressive. It’s around 500-1,000 books a year.

Warren Buffett reads books, newspapers, and newsletters from other investors.

How do they read so much?

I’m quite sure it’s a mixture of spending a lot of time reading, but also employing a special mindset where you read fast. I believe they are also skimming some parts.

Charlie Munger is supposed to move books from the unread pile to the read pile very fast.

Of course, there are other ways to learn. Courses, podcasts, blog posts, audiobooks.

Warren Buffett himself has a diploma from a public speaking course hanging in his office.

How do you prefer to learn?

7. Avoid Toxic People, Toxic Relationships, and Toxic Activities

Avoiding all things “toxic” is something Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger spent some time on this year.

“You need to know how people can manipulate other people, and you need to resist the temptation to do it yourself,” Buffett said.

Charlie Munger interjected and added:

“Yes, the toxic people who are trying to fool you or lie to you or aren’t reliable in meeting their commitments… A great lesson of life is to get them the hell out of your life. And do it fast.”

Their advice is to get out of any toxic relationship – be it friendship, marriage or work related – even at a financial cost.

There was a follow-up question about what to do if the toxic relationship is within the family or someone you can’t get away from.

“Minimize it,” Buffett said and laughed and added that you should only interact with people who behave well.

Why I Keep Tuning In to Woodstock of Capitalism

What was the most important thing they said? Every year, some of these wise words are repeated again and again (the obituary part is a frequent recurring theme)…

Why do we keep listening?

Well, it’s like going to church. I’m not a religious person myself, but I imagine people go to church again and again to be reminded of the right path and strengthen their faith.

That’s exactly why I keep listening to Buffett and Munger.

For me, it’s nice to be reminded of how to be a good value investor and a good “mensch.”

The new thing this year was their thoughts on avoiding “toxic” relationships. I will continue to think about it and work on defining the so-called “toxic” warning signs.

What do you think was the most important thing they said this year?

You can join the discussion in the Facebook group, Managing Money Freedom here.

7 Tricks to Achieve More Job Satisfaction

7 Tricks to Achieve More Job Satisfaction

While working towards financial independence, you may get stuck in a job where you find it difficult to experience job satisfaction, for any number of reasons.

I’ve been there myself.

During and between my two pregnancies, I worked for a boss who made life difficult for me.

I was undergoing demanding fertility treatments and also caring for my dying mother, and I couldn’t imagine also looking for a job or changing careers – so I had to put up with several years of working under a disapproving boss.

There may be many personal reasons why you might have to stay in a job where you’re no longer happy, at least for a while.

Achieve Job Satisfaction Anyway

Sometimes we have to put on our rain gear and walk out into the storm. But how do we defy the gloomy weather and enjoy jumping in the puddles as we move forward?

I had several years to practice cultivating small moments of happiness and creating job satisfaction in an otherwise difficult situation.

Because that’s life sometimes – at least before you achieve financial independence.

There’ll be times when you have to pull yourself together, show up and just do the work. 

Day in and day out – even when it’s really hard. 

The good news is that you have the power to control how bad it feels. You can make the best of it.

Here are my seven tricks for achieving more job satisfaction:

1. Remind Yourself Why You Took the Job


You must have had some positive reasons for taking the job. Perhaps you saw it as a step towards something else.

Focus on what you get out of it.

Try to remember where you were when you took the job. Maybe you needed the income? Maybe it was a step in a new direction you wanted to go in? Maybe it was something you wanted to try out?

In my case, I remembered that it was my dream to become a newspaper journalist. I wanted to be part of solving problems. I got to focus on trying to help or entertain people every day.

I was there for the reader. I was there for the greater good.

My job was not so much about me, and that made it easier to show up every day. Oh yeah – and the money was pretty nice too.

2. Cultivate Gratitude


Every day, find three things that you are grateful for during your workday. Everything counts.

Whether it’s lunch in the cafeteria, laughing and joking with a kind colleague, the view from your desk, or a new budding friendship.

Write down what you are grateful for.

Read it later and savor the feeling. Practicing gratitude really helps increase job satisfaction.  

In my case, my gratitude was about the small things. The sight of snowflakes on Copenhagen City Hall. A walk in the park during my lunch break. Warm rye bread with butter from the cafeteria in the morning.

3. Remember Who You Are Helping


In any job, you are helping someone.

If you’re managing a shop at a gas station, think of all the motorists you’re helping to get where they need to go. 

Without you, they wouldn’t be able to visit their sick Aunt Helen in the countryside or pick up their children from school.

Your help is important.

Knowing that you contribute also helps increase job satisfaction. 


4. Set Boundaries


You need to take care of yourself and make sure you set solid boundaries, whether it’s leaving on time or getting a little fresh air during your lunch break.

Maybe your boundaries are about saying no to tasks that aren’t really yours.

Set your boundary – but do it kindly.

Remember, you don’t always have to explain. You can just state it. 

Sometimes we make ourselves weaker by explaining, because in reality we are trying to justify ourselves and get the other person’s permission to set a boundary. You can’t always expect that.

Just state your boundary, shut up and smile.

“Unfortunately, I can’t do that today.” 

That simply. 

5. Make Sure to Do More Than You’re Paid For


You need to set boundaries and take care of yourself. But… you should also look for opportunities to give more than what is expected of you.

Is it possible to do both? To give more than expected and maintain your boundaries at the same time?

Yes, of course it is.

You can leave on time and make sure you get enough rest, while also doing something extra to help while you’re at work.

Let’s go back to the example of the gas station attendant.

The other day, I needed air in my tires. I found a tiny gas station where the owner always provides the most wonderful service. I was standing there looking puzzled at the water hose (don’t ask). The owner came running out to give me the correct hose. Not only that: he put air in my tires for me and explained everything about it.

Putting air in your tires is a free self-service. I had just been to another gas station that had a hole in the air hose – which meant it was actually sucking air out of my tires. When I mentioned it to the teenager working behind the counter, I only received a shrug.

The friendly gas station owner refused payment. In return, he can be sure that I will fill up there from now on.

So ask yourself: where can you be extra helpful today? Who can you smile at? Who can you give a little boost to – without expecting anything in return?

6. Reward Yourself After an Effort


When I worked in a difficult environment with tasks that didn’t suit me well, I always made sure to have something good waiting for me after a specific task.

I wasn’t allowed to have my first cup of coffee until I had planned my day’s work. 

Only when I had done the interviews was I allowed to have lunch.

When I had written the draft for the first article, I rewarded myself with a 10 to 15-minute walk.

I also use this as a motivation trick with my kids every day: “Yes, when you have tidied up, we can play tag.”

7. Build Up Your Skills and Your Brand


Look ahead to the next thing in life and start preparing.


You need to build two things up: your skills and your brand.

You build up your skills by learning something every day. You can learn on the job and by taking courses, furthering your education, reading, and learning.

You build up your personal brand by networking and through your online presence.

Are you already in the industry you want to make a career in? Then make sure to expand your network.

Create an online presence by using social media to connect with relevant people, and make sure to share helpful professional tips there. SoMe is another way to network.

8. Use Time to Build Assets


I know I said seven tricks, but here comes the one about giving more than expected… you get an eighth point here.

It’s important to set aside money and invest so that you can become financially independent, so you can avoid being forced to stay at an unpleasant workplace in the future. 

You can use time to your advantage to become better at investing. Learn more about how in my e-book Free Yourself. You can download it here.

You can learn how to do your own analysis and calculations in my e-book right here. 

The Stock Market’s 10 Commandments From Mohnish Pabrai

The Stock Market’s 10 Commandments From Mohnish Pabrai

Sometimes it’s nice to have the rules laid out so you know what to do and what not to do.

 Perhaps this is precisely why Christianity, Islam and Judaism are so popular among large populations around the world. Because it simplifies things when you have simple guidelines – and even rules. It makes navigation through life easier. 

Well, don’t worry – the value investor Mohnish Pabrai has synthesized stock market investing into 10 commandments.

In this blog post, I’ll go through these 10 rules. 

Some of them are written for hedge fund managers, but as a private investor you can still use them. 


In case you want a fund to manage part of your portfolio, make sure they live up to those rules (in particular, 1 and 2). 

Ready? Here they come:

1. Thou Shalt Not Skim Off the Top

Funds shouldn’t charge a management fee.

Most hedge funds charge a 2% management fee and get a cut of 20-25% of the profit. 

ETFs and mutual funds usually just take the management fee. 

Mohnish Pabrai copied Warren Buffett’s structure (and so have I in my fund). 

In his original partnership, Warren Buffet did things very differently. He took 0% in management fees, but earned a quarter above a hurdle of 6%. 

What’s the problem with charging a management fee?

It’s typically a percentage of the entire amount invested – and has nothing to do with the result.

This means that the fund or manager is paid regardless of how the fund performs. Does the fund lose 50%? They still take a percentage of the entire amount invested.

If the fund or manager is only paid when they achieve a return above a certain performance hurdle, it means they are motivated to perform well. 

Let’s say a fund gets a fee of 2%. If you invest a million with them, they’ll charge 20,000 for it – even for doing nothing or doing badly. To get the same salary, Warren Buffett or Mohnish Pabrai would have to make a return of at least 10%. More reasonable, right?

A performance-based payment is fairer for the customer, and it creates an incentive structure that’s in your favor.

2. Thou Shalt Not Have an Investment Team


A fund should not hire a big team of traders and analysts to do the work. 

Pabrai says that the first bid automatically leads to the second bid because the fund will be more careful with building up fixed expenses. 

A large investment team not only makes the process more expensive – it also makes it more complicated.

“They just have to find 2-3 good companies a year, and it only takes half a person,” Pabrai says. 

It doesn’t really matter how big the fund is. He explains that Warren Buffett manages billions and does it mostly alone. 

Years ago, Pabrai actually wrote a letter to Buffett and offered to work for him for free… which Buffett turned down. 

Buffett answered that over the years he has come to the conclusion that he works better alone. 

3. Thou Shalt Accept That You Will Be Wrong a Third of the Time

There’s a lot of uncertainty when you try to estimate the future of a company, and you will be wrong – often. 

That’s the bad news.

The good news is that you don’t necessarily lose money just because you’re wrong.


Being wrong means that things don’t turn out quite as you originally expected.

Maybe you expected the stock to triple, but it “only” went up 50%.

“With this way of investing, you’ll do really well, even when you make mistakes,” Pabrai says. 

How come?

Mohnish Pabrai is a value investor, and with that style of investing, you always invest with a margin of safety. 

For example: you figure out what something is realistically worth… and then you cut it in half, and that becomes your target price where you are willing to buy stocks.  

4. Thou Shalt Look for Hidden P/E of a Stock

A P/E of 1 means that in one year the company earns what corresponds to the market cap. 

The market cap is the company’s shares multiplied by the share price. This is the value of the company in the market. If you wanted to buy the whole thing, that is what you would be paying.

Mohnish Pabrai tells many battle stories of how, over time, he has invested in companies that were extremely cheap when looking at the market cap. 

For example, he invested in a company (Rain Industries) that had $2 billion in revenue and a market cap of just $200 million. In other words, the market valued them at 1/10 of the revenue.

Sometimes we get mispricings that are very much in our favor as buyers. These kinds of investments are great for your financial health, he says. 

5. Thou Shalt Never Use Excel

Pabrai says that if you find yourself reaching for Excel, you are probably doing something wrong. 

“You don’t need a calculator – you just need the fingers of one hand to figure it out. The math is pretty straightforward,” he says. 

Mohnish Pabrai’s IQ is higher than most people’s. He is also funny and provocative… not unlike his guru Charlie Munger.

When he says something black-and-white, like banning spreadsheets, you shouldn’t take it literally. 

I personally don’t see anything wrong with using a spreadsheet. The point is, if you have doubts about the company’s intrinsic value, you probably haven’t figured the case out yet. 

Before diving into the spreadsheet, it’s a good idea to look at the overall numbers like Mohnish Pabrai does.

What’s the revenue, and what’s the free cash flow and how much do they earn? And how much is that compared with the overall market value of the company?

If the market cap is lower than their earnings potential, it’s an easy case. 

“The market will come to its senses at some point. It won’t continue to value it at that level.”

6. Thou Shalt Always Have a Rope to Climb out of the Deepest Well

Mohnish Pabrai tells a touching story about his father who was a serial entrepreneur that took many risks – and went bankrupt several times.

His father paid an astrologer dressed in orange robes to tell him that the future looked bright. He came to the family’s house and drank tea and spoke of a prosperous future. 

Mohnish Pabrai confronted his father and said that it was a scam, to which the father – who was a man of logic and science – replied: “You must always have a rope to climb out of the deepest well.”

Mohnish Pabrai experienced his own private well when his hedge fund fell 70% after the financial crisis. 

The fund’s assets fell from 600 million dollars to 180 million dollars from 2007 to 2009.

Since Pabrai didn’t receive a management fee, he had to pay himself a salary and the bills covering the fund out of his own pocket. 

The fund had to return to the starting point and then rise above 6% before he could start paying himself a salary again. In order for him to receive a commission, the fund needed to grow to at least 636 million in 2008 and around 675 million in 2009 with no money being added. 

“I found myself at the bottom of a very deep well. So what did I do? I violated commandment no. 5 and fired up Excel,” he says.

He imagined what life would be like with 1 billion dollars in the portfolio. 

“I suspended all logic and imagined talking to the orange-robed guy… and then life was fine again,” explains Mohnish Pabrai.

In fact, the fund grew to 1 billion and everything did turn out fine, exactly as Mohnish Pabrai imagined. 

7. Thou Shalt Be Singularly Focused like Arjuna

Arjuna is a central character in the ancient Indian tale Mahabharata.

The bow master Dronacharya tied a fish high on a branch in a tree above a lake and ordered 12 students to aim at the fish’s eye while looking only at the fish’s reflection in the water.

He asked the disciples one by one what they saw when they looked at the reflection in the water.

The disciples mentioned everything: the sky, the water, the tree, the fish… except Arjuna.

When asked the same question, Arjuna said that he only saw the eye of the fish. The master told him to shoot, and Arjuna’s arrow pierced the fish’s eye.

The point of the story is that too much information is an obstacle for you to focus – and a barrier for you to achieve what you want.

It’s the same when we invest. There’s a lot of noise: inflation, forecasts, speculation, oil prices, interest rates, employment numbers, and so on. 

“None of that is relevant to what we’re trying to get done. We want to identify companies within our circle of competence and figure out what they are worth, and if they are available for a quarter or less of the value,” says Mohnish Pabrai. 

8. Thou Shalt Never Short

Shorting is betting that something will decline in value, and that’s an exercise that never made sense to Mohnish Pabrai.

“Your maximum upside is double if the company goes to zero and the maximum downside is bankruptcy,” he says. 

When we buy shares in a company, we don’t need to put in more capital when it goes down. But when we go short in the market and it goes up, we have to put in more capital, Pabrai explains. 

He also explains that Buffett and Munger have said that they are right almost 100% of the time and wrong on the timing almost 100% of the time.

“It’s perfectly fine when you buy shares, because you can just wait. But it doesn’t work when you short, because it’ll cost you money every day. You must both be right in your thesis – and be right in the timing of it,” Pabrai says.

He adds, “We don’t want to do anything that requires us to look at the stock every 5 minutes.”

9. Thou Shalt Not Be Leveraged

“Neither a borrower nor a lender be.”

Pabrai quotes Hamlet’s father giving this advice to Hamlet and he quotes Buffett for rephrasing it into “neither a short-term borrower nor a long-term lender be”. 

What does this mean in practice?

You can, of course, have a home loan(here you are a long-term borrower), but in the stock market you must stay away from all rigmarole that involves leverage. 

This comes in various forms such as using margin on your account or certain option trades such as selling naked calls (selling calls without owning the stocks that could be called away from you – this is like borrowing the stocks). 

10. Thou Shalt Be a Shameless Cloner

Copy the masters, Pabrai says. In other words, you must learn from the good value investors. Watch their technique, investment and process, and do as they do. 

I’ll add this: always do your own thinking and analysis so that you feel confident in your investment thesis. Take the company through a checklist and calculate the value yourself. 

You can use the actions and decisions of others for inspiration, but you must not copy blindly.

Why not? 

Even if the masters are right in their thesis, you might get super nervous when the market fluctuates and dips. You could enter the terrible zone of panic selling.

Knowing what to do and researching things thoroughly will keep you calm in the market.

You can follow the trading of the major value investors here, here and here.

You can learn how to do your own analysis and calculations in my e-book right here. 

The 50 Most Important Life Lessons I Wish I Had Known Since Childhood

The 50 Most Important Life Lessons I Wish I Had Known Since Childhood

A few days ago, I turned 50.

I’m in the middle of life, and I’m happier and more at peace with myself than I’ve ever been before.


Because I have become wiser with time and experiences.

I have failed, lived life and learned a lot of things. I stand more solidly on my own two feet than I have done before.

In this blog post, I’ll share the 50 most important life lessons that I’ve learned over time. Many of them I wish I had known since childhood – but life is also about learning.

This week I’ll write about life lessons in general, and next week I’ll write about what I’ve learned about money and investing.

Are you ready?

Here are my 50 most important life lessons…

1. Trust Your Intuition

I have overruled myself many times in my youth because I didn’t have the courage to trust the little voice inside.

It has warned me every time, and it has tried to point me in the right direction. Whether it has to do with new friendships, career jumps, love or investments.

You also have that little voice. Listen to it.

You are much smarter than you think.

2. Invest Early

Of course, this one has to be on the list, because that’s really what my blog is about: investing in your financial freedom.

I started investing in my late 20s when I got my first permanent job. That’s actually early compared to many. But I could have started long before.

I inherited some money when I was a teenager. I wish I had already invested that money back then.

It is never too early and never too late.

3. Be Grateful

Gratitude is the magic spice of life.

It erases all bitterness.

Write down three things you are grateful for every night and every morning. These micro-habits make a big difference over time. It’s a bit like money. It compounds.

4. Be Selective when Choosing Friends

You don’t have to be friends with everyone who comes your way.

Stand back and observe them for a while.

Observe your own reaction.

What does your intuition say? Are they good people?

We are strongly influenced by those with whom we surround ourselves.

That’s why you have to be selective.

I probably have a little bit of social FOMO (fear of missing out), and in my younger years I have invested in relationships that I should perhaps have let pass.

5. You Can Opt Out of Friendships

In investment parlance, it’s called the sunk cost fallacy when you hold on to losing positions. You have invested in a stock that is now flashing red on the screen, and you refuse to sell until it has risen at least to neutral.

But maybe the share price will just keep diving? Maybe you could win the money back by investing in something else?

Sunk cost fallacy also happens socially. Sometimes we hold on to friendships because we have already invested several years into them.

But there is no rule saying that because you were friends once, you need to be friends forever and hang out until the end of time.

If your friends do something mean-spirited or selfish – to you or others – be extremely careful. Consider withdrawing.

People tend to repeat their own patterns over and over again. Of course, you should give them the opportunity to say sorry and make things right again. But if the apology doesn’t come, move on. (P.S. Always remember to say sorry yourself if you make a mistake).

I myself am extremely “sticky” and do not want to lose friends.

But occasionally we have to cut our losses and say goodbye.

6. Hold On to Good Friends

You really need nurture the good relationships in your life. As they say in investment parlance: “Let your winners run.” If you have a relationship that works, cherish it. Give it attention and time.

As written in the Bible: the greatest of all is love.

Here I don’t just mean romantic love, but love in general.

7. Be Selective with Jobs

You shouldn’t take a job just because it looks good on your CV.

Be aware of who you will be working with. Do you like the boss? Do they seem nice? Is there a good work culture?

When I look back, it makes me sad to reflect on the fact that I spent 8 years at a newspaper where I didn’t thrive.

I saw the warning signs before accepting the job, but I was so excited about covering banks during the financial crisis that I jumped at the chance… and I hung around for far too long, even when it was clear to me that I was unhappy.

8. Consider Starting a Business

I opened my first business at the age of 44. Today, I can see that I should have done it a long time ago.

It has been a great pleasure to create and provide knowledge with my courses.

I don’t know why we make entrepreneurship sound like such a risky thing.

Being an employee is really risky if you think about it – you can risk getting fired and lose your income overnight.

Many industries have low barriers to entry… which is business school parlance for saying it’s not that hard or expensive to get started.

Starting my blog only cost the price of the domain. I made up my mind to do it one day and wrote the first three blog posts in one night while the kids slept. The first blog post had more than 50,000 readers. It took one day and less than I pay for a café latte to get started.

9. Set Huge Goals

Today I do things that I could not have imagined as a young person.

I run my own companies and invest for others. I’ve opened a total of 4 companies. One of them is a small hedge fund. I NEVER imagined when I was a kid that I would grow up to become a hedge fund manager.

10. Always Be Kind

Our #1 job on this earth is living a decent life without harming or hurting others. The next job is to make the world a better place.

So. Please. Always be kind. It’s part of your #1 job.

Be kind – even to those who are not kind to you.

You can and must speak up for yourself in a firm but friendly way.

11. Avoid Stress

Speaking of kindness…

I’ll admit that there have been times in my life when I have not been particularly friendly or kind.

I have given the middle finger to cars in the morning traffic after they raced through a puddle and sprayed water on me and my kids. I have scolded the sleepy teenage cashier in the supermarket for whatever reasons.

Today, I could not dream of doing that in my life in Portugal.

Looking back, I can see that I have lived for a few decades with constant “background stress”.

You know that feeling – when you constantly feel like you’re falling behind. It was the norm during all the years I worked as a news journalist. I used to wake up with nightmares of not knowing what my story of the day was or not making the deadline.

I probably didn’t know how to relax at all.

If you find yourself walking around your life giving grumpy retorts and flashing your middle finger in traffic… take it seriously. You are not in the right place in your life.

12. Prioritize Your Sleep

Lately, I have heard several people say that I have changed. I seem happier and calmer.

More often than usual, I feel a spontaneous flash of inner peace – even if something particular is not working the way I wanted it too.

I think it’s because I sleep more.

I hired a coach six months ago. I thought we should work on the big life goals like making a fortune and finding everlasting love, but she insisted on working on my sleep first. I was given specific tasks to create evening routines, and my goal was to sleep at least 7 hours every night.

Sleeping has worked wonders.

13. Plan Your Day the Night Before

One of the things my coach taught me was to spend 20 minutes every night planning for the next day.

It clears your head so you don’t have to get up and arrange things after going to bed.

I spend 20 minutes planning for tomorrow, deciding what to wear, what the main tasks will be, checking the calendar.

Our system is called 20/20/20. You first spend twenty minutes getting ready for the next day. Then twenty minutes to get yourself ready with personal hygiene (bath, brushing and flossing your teeth, and so on). Then twenty minutes of breathing calmly in bed, either writing or reading with a night lamp (no computer).

14. Journal Every Evening and Morning

I spend the last 20 minutes of every day reading something nice, writing in a journal or just breathing as if I had already fallen asleep.

I spent at least 5 minutes just writing a little about how the day went, what I was grateful for, what moments were blissful and what I learned.

15. Do What You Love Every Day

This point is so simple that it is incredible that it has to be written in a blog post. But yes, it has to… Because honestly. Do you really do what you love every day?

We are all rushing around, even if we don’t really have to. Somewhere in the rush we forget the small things we love to do.

Prioritizing activities that I love has probably been one of the hardest things for me to do daily, actually. I have – like many others – a built-in whip that constantly keeps me busy with practical things. This is completely idiotic, because I really don’t have to.

16. Cherish the Joy of Small Things

You don’t have to wait until it’s Friday night to enjoy life.

Love the little things in everyday life. The ray of sun on the sofa. Wind in your face when riding a bike. The sound of a child laughing. Jumping in a puddle. Playing with a balloon. Smiling at a stranger.

17. Be On Time

It was an aha moment I had one day when cycling in Copenhagen. I discovered that I had seen and enjoyed things on my usual route that I had never noticed before.

I found that when I’m just a little bit late, I don’t enjoy the process.

When, on the other hand, I have extra time going somewhere, I use my senses to enjoy things. I can hear the birds chirping, I enjoy sight of an apple tree in bloom.

What a simple but important life lesson to experience that being on time makes you so much happier.

18. Speak Honestly and Truthfully

I am not lying. But have I always told the truth?

Some conversations can be uncomfortable to initiate.

Like when you sense that another person is not well. Or when you feel hurt by a certain response and wonder what is going on.

I have often avoided those conversations, and now I realize what an act of love it really is to have the hard talks.

It’s important to be able to say – with love – when it feels like something is wrong and to be curious about what might be causing it.

I’ve improved.

Since childhood, I have been shy of conflict. It came about because my mother was an alcoholic, and I learned to hide things and appear happier than I was in order to avoid drama. If you criticized my mother, she would act out, and more than once she disappeared and tried to take her own life.

It was actually with our current teenage au-pair that I learned to ask curiously if something was the matter. I learned that you can easily have a calm conversation about a conflict of interest… and that you can walk away happy from a difficult conversation.

19. Do Not Interrupt Others

I am often eager and tend to enter a room talking.

It is only at a mature age that I have learned to step back and observe what is happening to others before I open my mouth.

20. Set an Intention in Everything You Do

Set an intention before every meeting, every interaction, every task, every outing, every conversation.

What do you want to achieve with it? What is your intention?

21. Say Yes

Say yes to life and the things that are important to you. Do it.

What do you want to achieve? Prioritize it.

It all starts with you knowing what is important to you.

22. Say No

In order to have room for what is important to you, you have to say no to most of what is not a top priority. You have to be really stubborn when making choices. People will expect you to do things that are not your priority.

If it’s not a hell yes, then it’s a hell no.

23. Take a Simple Idea and Live It 100%

This line of thinking comes from the value investor Mohnish Pabrai.

He says that many people read something and think it sounds right, but then they never actually do anything about it.

He lives out a few ideas, and he does it 100%. For him, value investment is one of the main things he has prioritized.

But there are other things too.

He has promised himself to be honest in everything he does and with everyone he interacts with.

It’s a mindset he has taken from the work of David Hawkins.

24. Find the Power and Avoid Force

Let’s talk about David Hawkins.

His book Power vs. Force has changed my life.

According to Hawkins, there is an energy in everything, and it’s either positive or negative.

If you live with negative energy, you must live a life where you try to force everything to happen. If you live a life of positive energy, you harness the power in everything.

I’m still struggling to figure out how to live by it. He has written a whole series of books, so the answer may come in book nine. (I’ll tell you when I have the aha experience).

So far, I think it has a lot to do with using intuition and noticing if something has positive or negative energy.

How does this relate to Mohnish Pabrai’s idea of living honestly?

Honesty has positive energy. Lies and concealment have negative energy.

25. Drink More Water

If I had to give simple dietary advice, it would be to drink more water. Quite ordinary water. No bubbles.

Drink, drink, drink.

I once struggled with a recurring bladder infection. It came again and again. I discovered that if I drank enough water, I couldn’t just cure it – I could also prevent it.

I wonder how many other minor illnesses you can keep at bay just by drinking enough water.

26. Start the Day Earlier

Go to bed earlier and start the day before the rest of the house gets up.

I love getting up an hour or two before my children.

Then I have time to meditate, journal, practice yoga and drink lemon water… which reminds me…

27. Drink Lemon Water First Thing

No, I don’t mean that yellow soda. I mean water with freshly squeezed organic lemon in it.

Most people drink coffee first thing in the morning. Is that really the first thing you want to run through your detoxed system?

By the way, did you know that, according to the David Hawkins measurements, an organic lemon has positive energy, while a non-organic lemon has negative energy? Fascinating, right? Makes you really think about what you drink and eat.

28. Spend the Morning and Afternoon on “Focus Work”

Your brain cells are fresh in the morning. This is where you are most creative and focused.

Don’t use your sharp brain cells on emails, practical tasks and social media.

I have blocked off my calendars every morning from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. to do the work that has the highest priority. In my case, that’s researching companies and doing creative work, such as writing blog posts. It’s in the morning that I read, research and become wiser.

29. Place Emailing and Practical Tasks in the Afternoon

Everything else… emails, small tasks, bills, calls and meetings you can set aside for the afternoon.

You’ll be more tired, but it doesn’t really take a nuclear scientist to update the accounting system or say no or yes to an invitation.

30. Give Your Undivided Attention to Those You Love – Every Day

This was something I learned in a parenting course.

I learned that I should give each child a minimum of 10 minutes of focused, uninterrupted playtime each day.

Yes – it sounds like a matter of course. But then again… do you really do it?

The school run and the cooking while quarreling doesn’t count. It’s not really quality time.

All that counts is complete undivided attention: like looking at an ant together. Or playing with a balloon. Or listening intently to what they tell you.

You can use that principle for everything and everyone.

Have you given your elderly mother ten minutes of undivided attention today? Your partner? Your best friend?

It’s so simple – and so brilliant. It is like water to flowers. You will see people and relationships absorb it and flourish.

31. They Can’t Stop You

I have always been afraid of criticism and the condemnation of others.

When you blog and have a business, you will encounter trolls and some people with ill intentions who criticize you and who maybe even threaten to do something illogical.

When you place yourself in the game, other people’s different reactions are part of that game. If 50,000 people read my blog post, I’ll for sure get some negative responses.

My coach taught me that it doesn’t matter. What a life lesson to know that I’ll I have to do is shrug about it.

Because the opinion or criticism of others can’t stop you.

It’s just words.

This has become my mantra if other people’s reactions inhibit me for a moment: “they can’t stop me.”

32. Believe in the Force

I had a really good coach who told me that you can live in three ways.

1. You can believe that everything is against you and live a life where you are always in struggle and conflict.

2. You can believe that nothing is against you – it is neutral – but that you must fight to create everything.

3. Or you can believe that the world is with you.

I love the last approach.

Obviously, this doesn’t mean that you should lie down on the couch and wait for things to happen.

You still have to go out into the world and do your thing. But you do it with a curious joy and ease because you know that it will work out.

33. Know That Love Never Disappears

This is an idea that comes from Napoleon Hill.

He says that you must use love as the driving force to achieve your goals.

On the same note, he says that love never dies because it’s spiritual in nature.

You can always sit down and get in touch with the love that once was.

This thinking shifted things for me.

I am less afraid of losing people around me because I now understand that I will never completely lose what I love.

As my father said before he died: “I will never die, because I live in you.”

He was right.

34. Get a Pet

Last summer we got a street cat from the Algarve. That cat is a miracle worker.

It makes us smile every day and it can solve conflicts in an instant. It has also learned to call for “mum” with the exact same intonation as the boys.

The other day my son had a group play date with some of the boys from his class. One of the boys throws tantrums regularly, followed by painful remorse. His attacks come on almost like an epileptic fit, with early warning signs and after-pains.

When that happens, I give him the cat. It’s a cuddly cat that purrs as soon as you touch it. It likes to be carried around by children.

The cat calms him down on the spot. I give him the cat and tell him, “the cat always loves you.”

35. Get Some Help

This probably applies mostly to those of you with children.

Outsource everything you can.

We can’t always do everything.

I pay for a bus service that takes my boys to school. I have domestic help to clean and cook. And an au pair to help me with breakfast and the evening routine.

But even if you don’t have children: make sure you outsource everything that you’re not good at or don’t really care about. Whether it’s cleaning, mowing the lawn or doing the bookkeeping.

36. Write Handwritten Thank-you Notes

This idea comes from value investor Guy Spier. He says that handwritten thank-you notes have a compound interest effect on your social contacts. I love the idea but don’t always get it done.

I was thinking of buying myself a Montblanc fountain pen for my 50th birthday so I can write beautiful letters. I went to the Montblanc store on Avenida da Liberdade in Lisbon and tried them all.

I didn’t buy one, but I’ve decided I may get one after I’ve been writing letters regularly for a year.

So I’ll start with a regular pen. The important thing is to get it done – not to have the most expensive pen.

37. Get Advice from Your Gurus

Hold imaginary meetings with people you admire. Consult with them in your mind.

I often ask myself: what would Warren Buffett have done?

You can do the same in other areas of your life. You can let Oliver James shop for your dinner, ask Obama for career advice and ask Oprah Winfrey for help with resolving a conflict.

38. Create a Wall of Happy Memories

This idea came from a friend who helped me decorate our home in Portugal. She suggested making a large wall with framed pictures of all those we love.

I chose the wall by the stairs, and I actually stop every day and feel grateful. It’s decorated by a mixture of holiday pictures, pictures of guests, baby pictures, school pictures, amusement park snapshots and whatever else makes me happy to look at.

The frames vary in style and color. Some pictures are in color, some are black-and-white. Some are from another century. Some are from this year.

The only common thread is that there has to be a good vibe in the picture. It should give me a feeling of gratitude. High vibration on the Hawkins scale.

39. Drink from a Mug with a Motto

Yes, I love our beautiful Moomin cups, but I love our ugly motto cups even more.

I have one that says: “I’m so happy and grateful now that…”.

It reminds me to state my goal and to be grateful. Several times a day.

It’s a kind of self-hypnosis.

I also have a cup that my 6-year-old son just gave me for my 50th birthday that says “The best mum in the world – ever.”

I think it’s the best present I’ve ever received. It will for sure make me an even better mom, because it will work like a mantra. And after all – he must be the one who knows it, right? I couldn’t think of a better witness.

You can also use other tricks, such as writing it on the mirror or setting it as the wallpaper on your phone or computer.

40. Say “Pyt”

There is a great word in Danish called “pyt”. It’s better than “hygge.”

It means something similar to “never mind”, but in a really relieving way, and almost with a giggle. Never mind sounds a bit more bitter in my ear than “pyt”.

You don’t have to be Danish to say it.

So say “pyt”.

Every time, all the time.

It will be OK.

We are still working on “pyt” at home.

Yesterday my boys almost got into a physical fight because one took a cookie that the other wanted.

“Pyt. It’s a cookie.”

Adults have the same problem, just with slightly different things.

But hey, it’s still just a cookie.

41. “…And That’s Good Because…”

If pyt doesn’t work, you try on to the next cannon in the row, which is the phrase “…and that’s good because….”

Why is it good that you got fired? Why is it good that the flight was cancelled?

42. Feel the Sadness

Some incidents are, of course, profound losses, where neither pyt nor gratitude works. It’s hard to use when you go through the grief of losing a loved one.

Then there is only one thing to do:

Feel the pain, breathe through it. Meditate on it.

It’ll be okay.

43. Treat Yourself

Yes. Book that massage. Take that salt bath. Go to that concert.

What strikes you as wildly excessive luxury? A night alone at five-star hotel just because you want to?

Do it. Life is now.

(P.S. you still have to save and invest if you are working towards financial freedom. But often you can have both. It’s not either-or. You can spoil yourself and work on creating assets. If you can’t afford to book the room without going into a minus on your account, buy a cup of coffee at the hotel and pretend you’re spending the night there.)

44. Meditate Every Day

Yes, I admit. I don’t always get it done. I have a lot of energy and a strong desire to get my work out there. I’m running around like everyone else.

But when I find time to meditate, it works wonders.

My favorite method is the Silva Method. Zen meditation can do something completely different and is also quite brilliant. Sometimes I just sit and listen to my breathing or count. Don’t get hung up on the particular technique. Just sit down and calm down.

45. Ask Your Dreams for the Solution

This technique comes from the Silva Method. You roll your eyes up, drink half a glass of water before bed and say, “this is all I have to do to find the answer to the problem, I’m thinking of.”

Then you go to bed and sleep. The next morning you drink the other half of the water and say the phrase one more time.

The answer will either come in dreams or as a sudden inspiration during the day.

46. Take Moments Each Day to Feel the Love of Everything

David Hawkins says that at the level of the highest vibration, everything is love.

Pause in the middle of the day and see if you can feel that love.

You don’t have to sit in the lotus position and say “om”. Stop waiting for the perfect moment.

You just have to stop on your way to the store and check for it. Feel the energy of the world.

Right there in the street with people walking around you. It helps if you are not running late.

Warning: if you are stressed or in a negative vibration yourself, you won’t be able to feel it at all. Sorry.

How does universal love feel? It feels a bit like being madly in love. Like a tickling in the stomach that comes out of you and hits everything and is sent back to you.

47. Breathe

Breathing sounds like a matter of course. We all do it. But are you doing it properly? Or are you breathing at the top of your lungs? Is it a shallow breath?

I took a breathing class where we had to breathe in a certain rhythm and imagine that our breathing was like the waves of the sea.

Ten minutes into the session I felt hypnotized. I imagined that my current worries were like small stones on the beach, washed clean by the water. It was like falling into sleep without sleeping. It’s a state that I’m now able to reach with the same breathing technique.

48. Straighten Up

Our physical movements create emotions.

If you’re slouching over an iPad or computer, you will be in a bad mood. If you do it every day, it might even make you depressed.

Straighten your back, go for a run or a walk, move – it makes you happier.

49. Smile and Laugh

If your posture affects your mood, what do you think a good heartfelt laugh can do?

What can make you laugh? Do you laugh every day?

If you can’t laugh right now, start smiling. Smile even if it feels fake at first.

You can actually force a laugh.

Have you heard of the laughing clubs? They meet in a public place just to laugh together. They start off with fake laughter, but they end up with stomach aches from laughing heartily.

You see children doing it. They laugh at nothing and eventually they can’t stop.

Try to say something funny every day. Watch a funny movie. Laugh for no reason. Tickle your child.

50. Love Yourself

When you think of love, you probably automatically think of the great romantic love. Or perhaps of creating a family. Or perhaps of someone who passed away. You link your love with that outside force.

But what about the love for yourself?

You must first of all love yourself.

It’s odd really if you think about it. For most people loving yourself sounds self-absorbed. Selfish perhaps. Or just wrong. As in something forbidden.

But it is not.

Self-love is the essence of a good life. If you can’t love yourself, you can’t love. The source is inside yourself.

When you wholeheartedly allow yourself to love yourself, you open up to love in general.

Of everything you can love, I think many people are most afraid of loving themselves.

Do you dare to look yourself deeply in the eye in the mirror, love yourself and open up to the source of love and the truly good life?

Okay enough of the hippie talk. Back to money talk. Next week I’ll continue with the life lessons I’ve learned about money and investing.

Meanwhile, read my e-book Free Yourself to learn about how I invested my way to financial freedom. You can download it here.